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Policy Factsheet

Investing in Our Future: Maintaining U.S. Leadership in R&D

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Members of Congress must prioritize science when completing FY 2024 appropriations and provide robust increases to the federal science agencies in FY 2025 appropriations.

Fundamental research is essential to U.S. competitiveness. Federal funding directly impacts the future U.S. STEM workforce.

More than 85% of the long-term growth of the U.S. economy is attributed to advances in science and technology.

Physics research programs help generate the STEM workforce demanded by our high-tech economy. Roughly 50% of new PhDs in physics take jobs in the private sector.

Increasing International Competition Threatens U.S. Standing as a Global Leader in STEM

Congress must fulfill the “and Science” portion of the CHIPS and Science Act to remain a global leader in science and technology. By not providing robust funding for the federal science agencies, as authorized in CHIPS, Congress will curtail opportunities for talented students and researchers.

Continuing Resolutions Negatively Impact U.S. Science

Failing to complete appropriations for 2024 will mean:

  • Fewer future high-skilled STEM workers
  • Project initiation delays, allowing competitors to gain ground

Full-year CR will forfeit significant funding for key science agencies

-$648 million in funding with a year-long continuing resolution

Difference in funding between a year-long CR and House/Senate Appropriations Committee-approved funding levels

R&D Investments Fuel U.S. Competitiveness

STEM Workforce Readiness

>40,000 grad students & 8,000 postdocs supported by research awards from NSF and DOE Office of Science in 2022

>$3.5 Billion invested in workforce development programs (K-12, technical, high-skilled STEM) in 2017-2021

Federal R&D Catalyzes American Innovation

>2,850 startups across 50 states funded by NSF, DOE, and NIST to bring federally-funded research products to the market

Robust Investments in Federal R&D Is Essential to Future U.S. Innovation and Growth

For the U.S. to maintain its competitiveness, Congress must pass robust and sustained appropriations increases to the federal R&D agencies for FY24 and FY25. Not investing in R&D today will create missed opportunities in critical areas that will take years, if not decades, to recover from.

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